We know that school funding policies are often arbitrary and don’t align with what students need to succeed. Policymakers and advocates are left to make critical decisions about their school finance formulas without the benefit of relevant or translatable research.
In some cases, the research is simply not aligned to policymakers’ questions. Where it exists, research is rarely accessible and actionable. Researchers, advocates, and policymakers rarely connect.
EdFund is addressing this critical gap in four ways: We curate existing research and identify policy-relevant questions; commission research to address gaps; communicate digestible, actionable insights; and connect a diverse group of researchers, policymakers, and advocates.
Our Team
EdFund’s work is generally shared between two divisions: research and policy. Our research division is focused on working with advocates and policymakers to develop an in-demand research agenda and oversees our direct financial investment in diverse, actionable research projects. Our policy and communications division is responsible for ensuring that research related to school funding is translated for the press, advocates, and decision makers in a digestible and engaging manner.
Rebecca Sibilia
Marvelous Mayor
Sharon Agnello
Galactic Gatekeeper
Heather Gomez
Support Sage
Marc DePoe
Axiomatic Axolotl
Matt Richmond
Evil Emperor
Liza Schwartzwald
Mischievous Mastermind
Shrien Alshabasy
Community Chronicler
Advisory Board
*Member of EdFund Operating Board